Simple PostScript viewer on Windows 11

So — no admin rights; I want a PostScript viewer; my old go-to tool, Gsview, is no longer maintained.

Evince, the viewer from the Linux Gnome desktop, to the rescue!

Simply run the installer, as for ‘advanced’ and choose to install for user. Then does not need admin rights. Installs the binary to something like:


and this folder can be added to your path or you can put a batch file that calls evince in a folder that is already in your path.

I have a folder c:\User\USERNAME\installs\bin in my path, so I put evince.bat in there:

C:\>type \Users\USERNAME\installs\bin\evince.bat

C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Apps\Evince-\bin\evince.exe "%*"

And all good! Very nice viewer for several file types, including PostScript and encapsulated PostScript.

Seems like you might want to put the installer file somewhere permanent before running it. Seems odd, but when I ran the shortcut after deleting the installer, it complained that it could not find the installer…!