Halibut syntax highlighting on Vim on FreeDOS

Adding Halibut syntax highlighting to Vim on FreeDOS (because everybody needs this, right?).

First, found and downloaded Halibut 1.2 from BTTR Software, Ports & Builds.

Vim was installed using fdnpkg and is in c:\apps\vim.

Copied the halibut.vim into c:\apps\vim\syntax.

This makes the new syntax highlighting available to Vim — but how does it know when to use it?

Added these lines to c:\apps\vim\filetype.vim (there’s a big alphabetic list of types, so it is easy to see where to best put it):

au BufNewFile,BufRead *.but setf halibut

And now, with _vimrc (in my %HOME% folder) containing

syntax on

I can use Vim to edit Halibut files with syntax highlighting.

