Ian Serraillier’s The silver sword

Ian Serraillier’s The silver sword is now a classic. It is the story of 4 children — 3 of them siblings — making their way across postwar Europe in a quest for their parents. It is a fine story, with well-drawn characters, especially the irascible Jan and the dependable Ruth.

Book cover -- Jan with his chicken and box, and Ruth with little Bronia

The book says it is aimed for 10 to 14 year-olds, and I think 14 would be the oldest. The prose is economical, but simplified, and the adult reader may find it a little too simplified. But the story is gripping, the characters interesting, the setting fascinating and the humanity and empathy of it all rather inspiring.

Recommended for kids of all ages. Smaller children would I think enjoy hearing it read out — they could identify with little Bronia — and there are strong protagonists for both boys and girls to look to. Something for everyone, and something to reflect on, too, as the war in Ukraine continues.