Geyes bluetooth keyboard

So I am typing this with the Geyes Bluetooth keyboard. It is very small, but works quite well. The only trick to using it is that when you first connect it you must choose the keyboard layout when prompted, and you ought to choose your device type (Android, Windows, iOS). Then it seems to work pretty much flawlessly. Sometimes have to forget the thing and then reconnect, but that’s not unusual in my experience — Bluetooth is generally pretty flaky, I find.

It seems to be a GK608, FWIW.

Here is the instruction sheet:

User guideFootprint is 22 cm x 18 cm, so pretty small.


It seems to interact badly with some applications. I first tested it out using WriterP, and I found that for some odd reason I could not type y, s, f or z. I could type upper case versions of those character by holding down Shift, but not lower case.

I wondered if that was a problem with the keyboard, but when I went to type up an email in a web browser (these notes, in fact), all was well.

Some comments on the keyboard:
* It is very small. Maybe 60% full size. Takes some getting used to, but is far more usable than a screen keyboard on a phone; maybe not as good as a screen keyboard on a tablet, but does keep your screen real estate freer.
* The keys actually depress, unlike on an onscreen keyboard; if you like that sort of thing, that might be an advantage.
* I have to make sure I don’t drag fingers over keys by accident; it’s quite sensitive.
* It needs a hard flat surface — you can’t really sit it on your lap. A tray table or something the size of a hardback book would do nicely.
* Battery life is good, and connection to the phone is very easy. It folds up neatly inside a metal shell, though feels rather delicate to use.

In summary, these are pretty cheap, and if you want to put a phone into landscape mode and do some reasonably lengthy typing, but you can’t carry anything bulky, you could do a lot worse. Don’t expect a fabulous typing experience.

A crappy photo of the little keyboard

Here is a more useful review.



Author: Darren

I'm a scientist by training, currently working as a writer, trainer and editor.

4 thoughts on “Geyes bluetooth keyboard”

  1. Thanks for sharing your detailed experience with the Geyes Bluetooth keyboard! Your insights into its sensitivity, key depressions, and compatibility with different applications are very helpful. It sounds like a practical option for those looking for a portable typing solution. 📝👍

  2. on my phone where connected . The battery shows 1%. When disconnected and re-paired it shows 100%.

    The red light has gone off but it seems to toggle back and forth between 1% and 100%. I think it is just a glitch but I guess with some long term using the true battery level will reveal

    1. Hi. I cannot say I have seen that behaviour. I tend to keep the keyboard fairly fully charged, and I never worry about its battery, and of course the phone screen shows me the phone battery. I do find bluetooth on the whole not as reliable as I might like, so maybe that’s the issue. Cheerio!

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